Dana Lili Morris
London Young Musician 2023-24 World Top 50 Musicians - Top.3 Winner
British-Singaporean Dana Lili started studying violin at the age of 3, piano at 5 and viola at 9.
She had thorough music studies for all instruments under Russian and Polish teachers. She completed Grades 1 to 5 graded examinations for violin where she was a member of her primary school String Ensemble before pursuing to play the viola. Loving the deep and mellow yet elegance of the viola, she is currently the only violist in the ensemble. She has studied Grades 3 to 6 and is currently completing Grade 7. Together with her violist sister, Dana played Telemann’s Concerto in G, Schumann’s No. 1 & 4 from Marchenbilder Op 113 and Bach’s Concerto in C minor for Viola.
It is her thorough music journey with the piano, loving the flair and the elegance of the piano where Dana completed all Grades 1 to 8 in four years with High Distinctions. As a pianist, she regularly performs in school activities and performed her interpretation/improvisation of Tchaikovsky’s October in a school event as part of a collaboration with her sister on viola.
Dana is in her final year in primary school under the Gifted Education Programme. As she prepares for further studies on both viola and piano, she enjoys participating in various music festivals and competitions like the Singapore Raffles International Music Festival, Singapore International Classical Piano, Singapore Performing Arts Festival, London Young Musician, Vienna Virtuoso Festival, to name a few.
As a member of the British Viola Society, she attended the 48th International Viola Congress in June 2023 at the College of Music, Mahidol University, Thailand and gained knowledge from workshops (Ettore Causa, Prof Jutta Puchhammer-Sedillot, Jerzy Kosmala, Karin Dolman, Katrin Meidell, Vinciane Beranger, Solene Dumontier). Likewise, she also attended piano workshops at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music Singapore.
Dana is currently studying viola under Keita Suyama (Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne, Switzerland) and piano under Poh Kai Wen (Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, Singapore). Apart from music, she also enjoys dancing like Chinese dance, tap and jazz dance, and classical ballet where she recently completed Grade 4 from the Royal Academy of Dance.